Friday, August 31, 2007

Ole Jim

A couple of things got me thinking this afternoon. First, we had a little rain. This rain feels like the harbinger of the Fall. Just something about it hinting that we better get used to it. Because it's been dry all week I've been taking the motorcycle to work and haven't been using my truck. Well, I tried to start the truck and the battery is dead! Guess it's because I only drive it 5 or 6 miles at a time and never got it on the highway to charge the battery. Guess that means I really don't drive that much eh? So I'm applying the trickle charger to it for a few hours and I'll see if that cures it.

While I was out there playing with electricity in the rain a fire truck pulled up to the house kitty corner me. Then an ambulance came, and they all rolled out an older gentleman (Jim I think I recall is his name) in a wheelchair and off they went. From what I heard ole Jim had some disorientation and standing issues so they're going to check him out. The point here is every time I see something like this I count my blessings, I ponder how in just a few decades I'll be ole Jim. Heck, he and I have about the house in fact. Wonder what ole Jim would say about me and all that I have. Hope ole Jim is ok.

Maybe I should stop playing with electricity in the rain if I want to be an ole Creighton some day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Maybe I should stop playing with electricity in the rain if I want to be an ole Creighton some day."

Good idea. Nothing like a little mortality to organize the mindset a bit. With this eclipse old guys a dropping like flys. I hope he makes it... he's got to hang on thru 11-Sept.